Staff Vacation



Vacation entitlement for full-time employees shall be earned during each year of continuous service with the Bonnyville Municipal Library from the employee's date of hire.


  1. An employee shall not take vacation leave without the prior authorization of the Library Manager.

  1. If one or more paid holidays falls during the employee's annual vacation period, another day or days may be added at the end of the vacation period or as may be authorized by the Library Manager.
  2. Vacation will be calculated monthly and an employee in the first year of employment may take vacation entitlement as it is earned, calculated at a rate of one (1) day per calendar month in which he/she received at least ten (10) days' pay.
  3. Vacation entitlements with pay shall be as set out below. A full calendar year commences on January 1st and ends December 31st of the same year. An employee who has:
    1. Completed one (1) full calendar year of service shall receive ten (10) workdays of vacation per year
    2. Completed two (2) to six (6) years of consecutive service shall receive fifteen (15) workdays of vacation per year.
    3. Completed seven (7) years of consecutive service shall receive twenty (20) workdays of vacation per year.
    4. After completing ten (10) full calendar years of consecutive service, they shall receive twenty (20) workdays of vacation per annum plus one (1) extra day of vacation for each additional year of service in excess of ten (10) years to a maximum entitlement of thirty (30) working days per annum.
  4. Part-time employees are entitled to vacation pay of 5%.



Every effort will be made to have a fair distribution of peak holiday time on a rotation. Vacation time requests are not a guarantee; employees will receive approval of requests in writing. The procedure for staff to request time off is as follows.

  • It is the employee's responsibility to ensure their holiday time is used. If it is not, the employee's vacation time will be paid out at the end of the calendar year. The Library Board understands that occasionally special events happen where vacation time may need to be carried over; therefore, vacation time cannot be carried over unless approved by the Library Manager.
  • An employee who would like time off ensures that their hours are covered by a co-worker and that each employee is in agreement. That employee submits request in writing to the library manager with details of coverage. The Library Manager will advise the employee in writing.
  • Summer vacation requests need to be submitted to the library manager no later than May 1.

  • December vacation requests can be submitted anytime, but will not be approved until October. Full-time staff entitled to vacation will have to have their request submitted by September 1 whereupon considerations will have to be made with approval to follow by a specified date in October. Casual and part-time staff also need to submit their requests within these parameters; time off during peak holiday season will be considered around full-time staff's vacation entitlement.
  • Last Updated Aug 03, 2022
  • Views 9
  • Answered By Tracy Paradis

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