Employee Orientation & Education



The Library Board recognizes the importance of informed, well-trained staff. It supports this policy by providing, within the limits of its budget, orientation programs and encouragement and support for attendance at library conferences, workshops, and library-related courses within and outside the Town.


  • Orientation and training are the responsibility of the Library Manager or designate and includes an understanding of the role of the library in the community and the responsibilities and duties of the Board and staff, including maintaining Occupational Health and Safety standards; library policies, services, goals, and objectives; and specific training for each employee's position.
  • The Library" Manager may, within the limits of the budget, approve staff attendance at library or library-related workshops without prior Board approval
  • The Library Manager will attend the Alberta Library Conference on an annual basis. Other staff may also attend at the discretion of the Library Board.
  • Library Manager and all full-time staff will attend the Northern Lights Library Conference on an annual basis. Part-time staff will attend at the Library Manager's discretion and/or provide coverage in the absence of the full-time staff. Should all staff be required to attend the Board must approve the closure of the library to the public in advance.
  • Cost of staff attendance at library conferences is covered in accordance with the Travel Policy.



  • Last Updated Aug 03, 2022
  • Views 19
  • Answered By Tracy Paradis

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