What's the deal with the NLLS Floating Collection?


We are ready to launch the next generation of materials lending from the HQ collection. Floating Collections!


What does it mean to have a floating collection?

A floating collection is one that travels from library to library, borrower to borrower, without needing to be sent back to a home location. Wherever a floating item is checked in becomes its new temporary home until it goes out and is returned again. This means that we will reduce the amount of shipping that we do for HQ collection materials because they will no longer return to us as a holding facility.  It saves time and $ and also keeps books available for serendipitous discovery by being available on library shelves!  

What if my library is not a Designated Floating Location?

If a floating item is returned to a location that is NOT designated as a floating location, an in-transit slip will be generated telling staff where to ship the book to next.

Will I run out of space for my own books?

We will be keeping the floating collection very small, essentially just a couple blocks worth of books to share around the system, and bolster collections as needed. If at some point your shelves feel tight, we can simply run a report of floating items in your location and disperse them into the system.

Will all of my items be set to float?

No. Only items purchased by HQ with HQ Collection funds will belong to the floating collection. Your own local items will continue to return to their home location when they are lent out to borrowers.

What if I Opt out, will I still be able to request a block from time to time?

Yes, we will still be able to pull items from floating locations to assemble blocks as needed. Please note, that due to low usage, we will be offering only Western, and Large Print blocks.

Will we will be able to choose the floating collection we receive.

No. Each library is either set up as a floating location or not. There is no halfway measure.

If we don’t sign up to receive a floating collection, how often can we request large print and large print western blocks?

Blocks will continue to be available to libraries whether or not they have elected to participate as a floating location. When a block is requested, we will place a series of holds on floating items, draw them to HQ, and from there create a block record set that will be temporarily assigned to the block requesting library. We receive very few such requests in any given year—hence the desire to see the HQ collection more readily available to patrons.

Any library can request up to two blocks at a time. Here is the FAQ on requesting a block: https://nlls.libanswers.com/library-help/faq/207955 You can request a full or half block of 10 or 20 items. As of this change, we will be offering only two types of blocks: Large Print and Western.

How long will we get a floating collection for? Will there be switching of the floating collections? If so, how often.

There is some misunderstanding here about how the floating collection works. In the past, “floating collections” were essentially just large blocks of materials that were assigned to specific branches where they were often forgotten. When an item was checked out it was always shipped back to the assigned branch to remain part of the block. That is not a true floating collection. We are embarking on a floating collection that is fully disbursed among libraries, so no more than 5 to 10 books would be shipped to any one location at the start of this process. At that point, those items will be allowed to float between participating locations, based on where patrons choose to return the item. For example, Patron A might check a floating item out from Vermilion library, and return it to Wainwright library who is also a floating location, and the item will be checked in and placed on the shelf in Wainwright with the rest of the collection until it is checked out to a new patron or shipped in a hold. Just to be clear—this process applies ONLY to NLLS HQ collection items—not to your regular items, those will always return to you.

Do know how many books exactly that will be in floating collections?

HQ is in the process of heavily weeding our existing collection and keeping a small fraction of those items. We will have a couple hundred floating items max and will endeavor to weed such items annually to keep the list fresh and small. Member libraries that choose to participate as floating locations are welcome to weed any floating items that become damaged or worn out. At the outset, participating floating locations can anticipate a small number of floating items to be sent to join their collection. 5 – 10 max.


Collection Float Strategy

Updated October 2024


Purpose: to make HQ physical resources available to be browsed by the public in member libraries.

  1. Operation Free Bird
    1. We are re-homing our entire HQ Collection, and will no longer keep books on site at HQ where they cannot be browsed by the public
    2. Ownership of items will be set to the local library, weeding and discard will be up to the discretion of the new owning library.


  1. Digital Blocks AKA Website Book Lists

Block Collections will no longer be stored/housed/distributed from HQ. Instead, these items will be displayed in a shared digital booklist (one per “block”) and will be available to all patrons through our Holds system. Member Libraries may choose to display the Booklists on their websites, or they can view them online through the NLLS website.  Booklists will be maintained and updated by NLLS.


  1. Floating Hold Relief – Northern Lights HQ will continue to purchase High Need/ Cost items to support well-rounded collections in Northern Lights Library System. These items will be set to “Float” and will be distributed amongst member libraries that opt into the floating system and will never return to HQ.
    1. Member Libraries will decide whether or not to participate as a floating location.
    2. Floating Collection should be weeded on site as necessary – no hard feelings!
    3. This “Collection” will be purchased throughout the year, based on high request volume, and impact/value assessment.

Answered By: Jessie Morris
Last Updated: Oct 31, 2024