How can I Dispose of My Weeded Materials? (Better World Books)
Beginning immediately, you may ship your weeded materials to us via the weekly van run (space dependent) and we will process and ship these items to BWB. Proceeds from this partnership will go towards our eResources budget.
Full program overview can be found HERE.
Please pay close attention to the material guidelines below— not all materials are desirable to the BWB program and we will have to return such items back to your library, to be disposed of locally. 😊
Looking for clarification about undesirable materials?
Look no further! Better World Books recommends that you dispose of the following materials by recycling or donating them locally:
We have been asked about items like puzzles and other "library of things" items, and the answer to the question is in the name of the organization! Better World BOOKS-- if it is not some kind of book (or a video), it is not eligible for this program and should be disposed of locally.
Please feel free to send any further questions you may have and we will do our best to answer!
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