Technology Purchase Guidelines


It is recommended that Member Libraries purchase all technology through the NLLS TSI Department.

Why Purchase Technology Through NLLS?

Technology purchased through NLLS is technology that is sourced by our team of IT professionals.  The purchase of new hardware through NLLS is a purchase that ensures new devices will operate effectively with our network and our software, and be of high quality. 

We seek the best pricing on the market, often able to obtain prices at steep discounts compared prices Member Libraries are able to obtain on their own, and can work within specifications that meet the technology needs of your library.   

Purchase Requests and Quotes 

To purchase a piece of hardware through the NLLS TSI Department, contact the department by sending a HelpDesk ticket to  The TSI Department will be able to provide product recommendations and current pricing, as well as develop a firm quote for your Board, if required.

NLLS is no longer conducting bulk purchases. 

Purchases Made Outside NLLS

While NLLS can acknowledge that it is tempting to buy used, or less expensive consumer-grade hardware, we strongly recommend against it. Equipment purchased by NLLS is business-grade, designed to be more durable, and longer lasting. The purchase of new hardware through NLLS is a purchase made to meet our standard service length of five years.

If in light of this recommendation the decision to source hardware outside of NLLS is made, we ask that we are notified ahead of time to ensure that the equipment is compatible with our network and software.


If you have any questions, contact the TSI Department at

Answered By: Tim Kuelker
Last Updated: Nov 23, 2022