Technology Replacement Guidelines


Computers purchased through NLLS will reach two service milestones during their lifespan.  The NLLS TSI Department is available to support and service each computer through both of these milestones.

Milestone #1 - End of Warranty (Three Years after Purchase)

Three years after the purchase date, computers purchased by NLLS are out of warranty.  The out of warranty date is often something that NLLS does not have influence over, as the majority of computers purchased by NLLS include a complimentary three-year warranty as part of the purchase. 

Once a computer is out of warranty, NLLS will continue to provide complimentary repair services to the computer to the best of our abilities; however, any replacement costs incurred during repair may be passed onto the Member Library.  It is important to note that when a computer becomes out of warranty it does not mean that it is no longer a good computer. 

Milestone #2 - End of NLLS Support Period (Five Years after Purchase)

Five years after the purchase date, computers purchased by NLLS have reached the end of their support period and the Member Library is encouraged to replace the computer. 

The NLLS TSI Department will continue to provide best effort service and repairs to computers that have reached the end of the NLLS support period; however, our abilities to provide services to computers older than five years is limited.  Additionally, Member Libraries may begin to experience network issues, hardware issues, and software issues on computers that are older than five years.  Because of this, it is highly recommended that Member Libraries develop a Hardware Replacement Plan in order to ensure each computer is replaced before it reaches five years of age. 

Replacement Guidelines for Non-Computer Purchases

Non-computer technology purchased through NLLS, such as printers, monitors, and other peripherals are recommended to be replaced every five years, or as necessary based on the manufacturer’s recommendations.

The three-year warranty period does not apply to non-computer purchases.

Replacement Guidelines for Computers Purchased Outside of NLLS

Computers purchased outside of NLLS are recommended to be replaced every five years to ensure their ability to continue to function on our network. 


If you have any questions, contact the TSI Department at

Answered By: Tim Kuelker
Last Updated: Nov 23, 2022