Hoopla Error Message

A patron reported that they have not been able to access Hoopla for past 6 weeks. They said that whenever they try to borrow, they get “Sorry our lending policy does not allow you to borrow this item. Please contact your library” message. I checked their account and they don’t have any blocks such as expired card, fines, overdues, etc


This error is triggered when your library card number or library card PIN/password has changed. The patron can login into hoopla, but can't actually borrow anything. To fix this problem, login to hoopla and visit Settings --- Library and update the information.  Please remember that passwords should contain only four digits, all numerical-- otherwise some of our eResources may not allow access.


Hoopla has a web page where error messages are explained: Check it out!


Answered By: Jessie Morris
Last Updated: Aug 03, 2022