How do I Place an Order Through NLLS?

ORDERING PROCEDURES – Libraries and outside sources

  • Please note, when you are placing an order, to the best of your ability follow these procedures (this will ensure the order can be processed in a timely matter and is accurate):

  1. SKU/item number (or link from website) or product number of item (specifically ink cartridges/toners)
  2. How many required.
  3. For large items (furniture, desks, stands, etc.), these items will be shipped directly to you, from the supplier.  These will not be put on the van run.  Therefore, there will be a shipping charge. If you are looking for large items such as furniture, please contact supplier and get information on sku/item # and price.  Forward to Admin. Assistant and I will order on your behalf to get the discount.  (Don’t hesitate to put the request out on the List Serv in case other Libraries require same or have what you need).
  4. For items such as barcodes and receipt paper rolls, please ensure you state how many you require.
  5. Please place all orders through the Ask desk:        

  • Once ticket is received, the Administrative Assistant will find and place order(s) using the following criteria unless specifications are noted.  (supplier, brand, etc.)
    • Best Price
    • Best Quality
    • Local Vendor

  • If you happen to receive any invoices directly from the supplier, please ensure you send them to NLLS for processing, as soon as possible (via email, fax or van run).

  • Please note:  Monthly Vendor orders.  See list below.

2nd Friday of the month – Uline - Staples - Cortech – as needed

3rd Friday of the month – Grand & Toy

4th Friday of the month – Brodart


Answered By: Tracy Paradis
Last Updated: Jan 04, 2022