Board Member Orientation Packages


You’re getting ready to welcome a new board member or two, and you’re wondering, what do I give them to set them up with all the information they need? It’s overwhelming with everything they need to know. Here are some resources:

Alberta Library Trustee Association (ALTA) – Trustee Toolkit – this should be your first stop. The Toolkit includes information on advocacy, building relationships with municipal councilors, financials and financial responsibility, HR, and policies and bylaws. There are many other topics as well. ALTA even included videos to help explain some topics.

Public Library Services (PLSB) – Government of Alberta – This government department administers the annual operating grants. They provide a number of resources for libraries and library boards. They provide a good overview of library services in Alberta on their Public Library Structure in Alberta page. You can also find a number of resources on their Tools and Resources page. There is one document in particular that would be helpful to new board members: Best Practices for Public Libraries in Alberta.

PLSB provides a Board Basics training session that is designed for new board members, but it’s a good idea to have your entire board take this session to be reminded of its points. Contact PLSB using the information on the link in this paragraph to arrange your board's training.

The Libraries Act and Libraries Regulation are the legal documents that libraries have to follow to ensure they receive their funding each year. ALTA has a good summary of the principles in of these documents.

Roberts Rules of Order are used to conduct a board meeting in an orderly fashion. Cornell University has a great cheat sheet that you can give to new board members to familiarize them with the process. Keep in mind that this cheat sheet has many formal rules that you may not have to use in a board meeting – as long as you have motions that are seconded by another member, and there is a vote. Quorum will be determined by your policy.

Don't forget to give your libraries information about NLLS - specifically our policies and our map of libraries.

Answered By: Joanne Knysh
Last Updated: Jan 06, 2025