How are the numbers for library value statements calculated?


Here is an outline of how the value is calculated in your library's Value Statement.

First Page

Right Section

Name of Library or County: The name of the municipality where the library is connected to | Population

Library Users: Number of active registered users plus users whose cards expired within the previous six months. Please note that many family members may be represented under one card.

Center Top Section

Total Library Savings: The combined total of all service values (ebooks/eaudiobook/print/professional value/saved via acquisition).

Name of Library(s): The name of the library(s) within the municipality.

Middle Right Section

Valuations: These are the individual totals and values for print/electronic circulation and professional services based on average values ($25/physical items; $56/ebook; $96/e-audiobook; system expertise value; see below). We include electronic circulation only from Cloud Library, Hoopla, and Overdrive.

Dollar Values Section

Levy Cost: Each library board and municipality pays $5.39/capita ($10.78 combined). We follow the population statistics provided by the provincial government used to calculate library grants.

Book Allotment Spent: This is the percentage spent of the library's book allotment for the current year, year to date. Book Allotment is $2.15/capita taken from the combined municipal/board levy ($10.78). Rounded to the nearest whole number.

Rural Services Grant: Each county that does not have a library board receives the Rural Services Grant at $5.60/capita. This grant money is then dispersed to the local library boards. The Northern Lights Library System charges a 1% administration fee for processing this grant.

For Every Dollar Invested: The value of the goods, services, and monies outlined in this value statement returned to you for every dollar invested.

Acquisitions & Cataloguing - Bottom Section

Bulk Purchasing (Items purchased with NLLS): This is actual dollars spent by your library on equipment, and other goods (excluding library books). Our staff identify the best deals, coordinate shipping and returns, and handle charge backs to your library. As this is done on a reimbursement basis we do not include this value in the dollar for dollar return on investment calculation.

Saved via Acquisition: This is the difference between the retail value of each library item purchased through NLLS and what was actually paid.

Cataloguing and processing value: Professional cataloging service at $3/item for cataloging, and $1/item for further processing.

System Expertise Value

Consulting: The number of consulting hours provided by our librarian consultants multiplied by an average hourly rate of $68. The average hourly rate is calculated as a combination of the average consultant wage, and the average wage of 1 support staff. Each ticket is calculated as an average of 30 minutes which is likely on the low side. For example, consultants make regular site visits to libraries which may be represented by a single ticket.   

Technical Support and Infrastructure: The number of technical support hours provided by our Technology Support Team multiplied by an average hourly rate of $93/hour. Support tickets are calculated as an average of 60 minutes/ticket. The hourly rate is based on a combination of average staff salary, the cost of IT contract services, and the annual investment in IT infrastructure and deployment.

Second Page - System Wide Value

Circulation Value: This is a combined print/electronic circulation value based on average values ($25/physical items; $56/ebook; $96/e-audiobook) for the entire system. We include electronic circulation only from CloudLibrary, Hoopla, and Overdrive.

New Catalog Acquisitions/Electronic/Print Circulation: These show the total number of items purchased through NLLS or circulated either electronically or in print.

Operating Budget: The combined total of municipal and library board levies, provincial grants, other revenue, and reserves that make up the Northern Lights Library System operating budget.

How We Are Funded

We are funded by 3 main sources: a levy to municipalities, a levy to library boards, and a provincial operating grant. A book allotment is provided to each library from the municipal levy of $2.15/capita. The library system receives $13.38/capita to fund its operations.

Engagement Opportunities

The tracking of these numbers started in 2022. Value statements for earlier years may not include this information.

Weekly Training Sessions: The total number of weekly training sessions offered to member library managers and staff.

Executive Meetings: Number of meetings attended by the NLLS Board executive.

NLLS Representative Meeting Attendance: Number of meetings your municipalities NLLS Board representative attended.

LMC Attendance: Number of Library Manager's Councils attended by the library manager. We typically hold 3 of these a year. This meeting is an important touchstone between our libraries and the system.

Program Participants: Number of programs (reading, training, workshops, etc.) offered by NLLS to your library.

Number of Conference(s): Our annual conference and the Stronger Together events bolster networking amongst members, generate new ideas, educate attendees on best practices in libraries and more. These types of conferences can be out of reach fiscally for many of our members.

Example of Value Statement



For the most recent Value Statement, please contact your library's consultant.

Answered By: James MacDonald
Last Updated: Mar 01, 2024