Logging On/Off of Polaris


What is Polaris?

Polaris is the Integrated Library System (ILS) used by the Northern Lights Library System and the other TRAC libraries.  It helps you manage information about your own collection and patrons, as well as those of the other libraries in the connected systems (Northern Lights, Marigold, Peace and Yellowhead Regional).


Logging On

Depending on a library’s network configuration, library staff will either log on locally or remotely.

If a library has a local installation of Polaris, the icon for Polaris (below) will be on the desktop of the workstation. Double-click on this icon and enter your TRAC username and password.

To receive your Polaris username and password, ____________?

Polaris will open to this view:

The circles correspond to the options along the top of the navigation bar, e.g., Acquisitions, serials, cataloging, etc.

If there is not a local installation of Polaris on your computer, one must log in through a remote desktop connection by following these steps:

  1. Double-click the Remote Desktop Connection icon that can be found on the desktop. 
  2. Log in with your TRAC username and password.  The computer name is: polarisclient.tracpac.ab.ca
  3. After you have logged on to the Remote Desktop, click on the Polaris icon.  You will be prompted again for your password.
  4. Be careful about which icon you select! There is a link called Not Live (Training) that allows you to train new staff or explore features of Polaris without compromising data. When you are using the Not Live (Training) version of Polaris, be very careful not to do any live circulation as this information will not be stored.


Logging Off

To log off, select File > Log Off on the Polaris Shortcut Bar. This logs you[JK2] [MT3]  off of Polaris. If you logged in via a remote desktop connection, you must also log off from this connection. To do this, click on the Log Off icon on the desktop or click on the Start menu (at the bottom left of your screen) and select the arrow next to the lock and click Log Off.


Do not disconnect by closing the window. This causes the port to be “hung” and decreases the availability of connections to the server, which can cause traffic problems as users increase during the day.


Logging off before your workstation shuts down  also prevents glitches and object blocks on your account.

Logging On to Another Account

To log in as a different user, the first user must completely log out from Polaris and, if applicable, the Remote Desktop Connection.  Once completely logged out, a new user can log in.



Answered By: Tracy Paradis
Last Updated: Jul 28, 2022