Explanation of Statuses


Explanation of Statuses

There are six statuses available to choose from in Polaris.


  • Only use for books that are actually being sent to be rebound.


  • All items available for lending should be In.


  • Use for damaged items that are being repaired. Items with this status are not visible in TRACPac.


  • Use when you cannot find the item to fill a hold.  When the item is found, check the item in.  Missing items are visible in TRACPac, however patrons cannot place holds. 


  • Use only for items on a very temporary basis, e.g. Weekly display, returning large print blocks – patrons can still place holds on items with an Unavailable status. 

*Remember to change the status back to IN when it is no longer needed elsewhere.


  • Use when you take an item out of your library collection, i.e. Lost, damaged beyond repair, weeding.  Withdrawn items are not visible in TRACPac.


For damaged items use Mending or Withdrawn.

Note:  Before one can change the status of an item, the circulation status must be set to In.

Note:  Checking in an item with the status of Missing, Mending, Bindery, or Unavailable will automatically change the status to IN.  If the status was Withdrawn a message box will appear, or if Lost, the resolve lost item box will appear.

Lost and Claimed Returned/Never Had statuses must be changed from the patron’s account.

Answered By: Tracy Paradis
Last Updated: Jul 19, 2021