


For more information on reports, please see section 8, entitled “Reports and Notices.”

Overdue Call List

Use the Overdue Call List to contact patrons with overdue fines.  Run report daily/regularly.

  1. From the Shortcut bar click Utilities, then Reports and Notices.
  2. Double click the Custom folder to open.
  3. Double click on the Overdue Call List report to open.

The Reports Wizard box opens.

  1. Select an organization (your library).
  2. Select a start date and change the start time to 12:00 AM
  3. Select an end date and change the end time to 11:59 P.M.

Note:  When running the report on the same day as the end date, the results will end at the time the report is run.

  1. Select a Patron as the sort type under Select a sort type.

  1. Click Submit. A report will generate with a list of patrons to call and a list of patrons and their phone numbers.
  2. Call the patrons.


Patron Billing Statements

Two Patron Billing Statement Reports are available in the Notices – Overdue folder.  Statements do not affect the billing cycle and do not need to be posted. These statements are intended to help patrons understand exactly what they owe, and do not affect the notices queue in anyway.


Patron Billing Statement by Organization

Please note: you may have thousands of items on this report the first time it is run.   This is a notice that lists all registered patrons at your branch that have amounts owing.  This may be more useful to send to patrons as a notice rather than one of the billing notices above; however, you will still need to post one of the actual Billing notices to the database.


Patron Billing Statement by Patron Barcode

This notice lists all the current amounts owing for a specific patron or patrons within a specified amount range.


Print Patron Billing Statements
  1. Select Utilities, then Reports and Notices on the Polaris Shortcut Bar. The Polaris Reports dialog box appears.
  2. Expand the Notices folder.
  3. Select the Overdues folder under Notices. The notices are displayed in the Available Reports list.

  1. To print patron billing statements by organization, follow these steps:
    1. Double-click Patron Billing Statement by Organizations. The Report Wizard opens.
    2. Select the organization (your library) whose patrons should receive a billing statement.
    3. In the Minimum Amount box, type the minimum amount of outstanding charges on a patron’s record that determines whether a billing statement is generated for the patron.
    4. In the Maximum Amount box, type the maximum amount of outstanding charges on a patron’s account that determines whether a billing statement is generated for the patron.

      To print patron billing statements for specific patrons, follow these steps:

  1. Double-click Patron Billing Statement by Patron Barcode. The Report Wizard appears.
  2. Type or scan the patron’s barcode in the Patron barcode box.


Note:  You can enter multiple barcodes, separated by commas (255 characters maximum). The barcodes are not validated; if you enter an incorrect barcode, you will not receive a billing statement for that patron.

  1. Click Submit. After a few moments, the statements are generated and the report opens as a PDF in your default browser.

Note:  If you see problems, or change your mind about printing the statements, close the Report Preview window.

  1. Use your browser’s print options to print the report.





Answered By: Tracy Paradis
Last Updated: Jul 19, 2021