Checking Out
Checking Out
- Choose Check Out (F3) from the drop-down Circulation menu.
2. Enter patron information using one of the following methods:
a. Scan the patron barcode in the Patron Barcode box, or type the barcode and press ENTER.
b. Click the Find button next to the Patron Name box to display the Find Tool (it opens up in a separate box) and search for the patron’s record.
If a Patron Has Forgotten Their Card
Look up their account by last name in the Find Tool by clicking on the Find button behind the Name box. Be careful to select the correct account. Verify it with their telephone number and address.
Patrons from Other Libraries
People who present a valid TAL, Parkland, Chinook Arch or Shortgrass system card are given the same borrowing privileges as anyone from your library using a TRAC/TAL card. There are a couple of options for people who wish to use your library but do not live in your community:
Melibraries ( Patrons of other Alberta libraries that are participating in this initiative may log into the Melibraries website with their current library account information. Once logged in, they can choose NLLS and an account will automatically be created for them in Polaris. They can use this account immediately, borrowing only physical items. If their home library account is not up-to-date, they will not be able to register at any other Me libraries and must contact their home library.
People who present a valid TAL card from outside of TRAC need to have a patron record created for them to be able to take out items. Create a patron record for the customer, if necessary. Make sure to use the patron code: TAL Cardholder.
See Creating a Patron Record in the section 2 and Patron Registration, page 9.
Adjusting Loan Periods
If you want to assign a loan period that is different from the standard one, create a special loan period.
By hitting Special within the Loan Period box, the special loan dialogue box appears. To specify the exact date, select a date on the calendar.
Choose one of the following options to specify the application of the special loan period:
- To apply the loan period to the patron’s next item only, select Apply to next item only.
- To apply the loan period to all the items for this patron, select Apply to all items for this patron.
- To apply the loan period to all items being checked out during the current session, select Apply to all checkouts. (If you select this option, the setting remains in effect until you click Reset on the Checkout work form or close the work form.)
The special loan period must be set before you scan the affected items. You cannot change the loan period for the transaction once the item barcode is entered.
**Please note, unless the patron is experiencing special circumstances, long extensions should not be granted to items owned by other libraries; as per the TRAC Operational Guidelines, libraries are not to extend or renew an item when there are holds on it, or grant a third renewal, unless you get permission from the owning library.
Resetting Due Dates
Another way to modify a due date is to reset it.
1. Go to the Circulation Menu screen. From click on Patron Status
2. Select/highlight the item or items in the item list.
3. Check the reset date button in the “Cool Bar” ​
4. Choose a new date from the calendar.
Check Out Options
- Enter the item information two ways:
- Scan the item barcode in the Item barcode box, or type the barcode and press Enter.
- Click the Find button next to the Item barcode box to display the Find Tool and search for the item record.
- If no item record exists, it will prompt you to create a on the fly record. See below.
The barcode and title are required, but more information is always helpful in case you have to search for it later.
- The item information appears in the list of items checked out.
- Repeat the previous steps until you have checked out all the patron’s items. The total number of items checked out appears in the status bar at the bottom of the work form.
Circulation Message
You may see the following messages:
- Item is over the renewal limit - Renew the item anyway, or cancel the renewal
- The item is already checked out to this patron - Renew the item, or cancel the renewal
- This item is already checked out to another patron - Check in the item and then check it out to the current patron or cancel the check-out.
- Item is due at library closing time - Allow the item to circulate overnight, or make the item due at closing time
- Resolve lost/billed item - This dialog box appears when an item has been declared lost, but the item is found at circulation
**Please note, unless the patron is experiencing special circumstances, long extensions should not be granted to items owned by other libraries; as per the TRAC Operational Guidelines, libraries are not to extend or renew an item when there are holds on it, or grant a third renewal, unless you get permission from the owning library.
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