What do I do with this ILL Item?!

When you receive an ILL item, please follow these instructions.



Receiving Loans

Receiving a loan in Relais is a simple two-step process.

Start by logging into the Relais Staff Portal with the log in information provided to you by PLSB.

The item should come with paperwork that includes a barcode and shipping information:

That barcode corresponds to the request number.  You can either scan the barcode, or go to your work queue and select Requests pending receipt.

Once there, you will see the request and a box for the barcode.  All you have to do is to scan the barcode attached to the item, even though it's not a NLLS barcode.  Once the barcode is scanned, one of two things will happen:  

  1. Pending will change to Received.  If this happens, Relais will create an item record on the fly within Polaris, and place it on hold for the person who has requested it/notify that patron their hold is ready for pickup. 
    • Place this item on your holds shelf.
    • Once your patron picks up the hold, check the item out to that patron through Polaris Leap as you usually do with any TRACpac item.
  2. Occasionally the item will not automatically create an on the fly record within Polaris. If this happens, you will see this message:
    • Select Yes. The loan will update in Relais, but now you will need to create the bib and item record manually on the fly in Polaris Leap when the patron comes to pick up the item. 
      • Scan the item in the check-out form. A warning will pop up saying "that this item barcode format is not defined, do you want to continue?" Click Yes. It will then say "This item is not linked to a record, and cannot circulate. Would you like to create a record'-on-the-fly'? Click Continue. Create the record.  
    • You will have to manually notify the patron that they have an item ready to pick up, as there is no record in Polaris. The patron's information will be listed in the Relais request. 

Returning a Loan 

Check in the item through Polaris Leap as usual. 

Place the item with its corresponding bookband in the bin to NLLS HQ where we will process the return through Relais. Be careful not to place the ILL items onto your library shelf!


Answered By: Kayla Reddecliff
Last Updated: Jan 09, 2025