How can I request a Block of books?
As a member of NLLS, your library has the option to request a “block” from us—this is a selection of books that we will temporarily reassign to your library collection, in a record set.
A block can be a single genre or subject, or it can be a mix of materials. Blocks are typically lent out to libraries for 3 months and then returned—unless the member library requests to extend it. There a provisional limit of 2 simultaneous blocks per member library. Books blocks can be requested in full or half blocks, which consist of 20 or 10 items.
When we send you a block, we will include a list of what is in the block, if you would like to track the borrowing history. Because blocks are created upon request—there is little chance of significant accidental overlap with previous blocks.
Based on current usage, we are now offering two types of books blocks: Western and Large Print (Fiction, Non-fiction). Future development will be evaluated based on usage.
Please submit a help desk ticket indicating the type of block you’d like to request, and we will be happy to send it over to you!
Block Request: Westerns
Half Block Request: Large Print / General Fiction
Block Request: Large Print / Nonfiction
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